Monday 8 December 2014

Learn Reiki in Jaipur

ntroduce ur life with Miraculous Energy of Reiki.
Learn Reiki Level I and II in just two days and get the blessings of life in the form of HEALTH, WEALTH, PROSPERITY, PEACE OF MIND, GOOD RELATIONSHIPS etc. etc. etc.....
Reiki for Self Care: Practical, Everyday Applications:
Some practical application of Self-Reiki include: preparing yourself for the day, using Reiki for calm in traffic, ten minutes of Reiki for added calm before you go to sleep, five minutes before a meeting or presentation, five minutes of Reiki before calming and assisting others, and an infinite array of situations.
You may use Reiki in preparing meals, gardening, with your pets and family too. But always remember that self-care is important to keep you at your best, so a few minutes of self-Reiki a day can do wonders.
In Reiki Self-Care you may use Reiki for Personal Growth, Healing and Wellness

Friday 14 November 2014

Learn Reiki, Lama fera, Angels Therapy, Magnified Healing, Medicine Buddha, Dowsing, Yogmaya, Crystal Healing, Karuna Reiki, Meditation and yoga In Jaipur

Reiki Center in jaipur - Learn Reiki, Lama fera, Angels Therapy, Magnified Healing, Medicine Buddha, Dowsing, Yogmaya, Crystal Healing, Karuna Reiki, Meditation and yoga Contact at 09782445566 and 09214066199

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Reiki Center in jaipur - Learn Reiki, Lama fera, Angels Therapy, Magnified Healing, Medicine Buddha, Dowsing, Yogmaya, Crystal Healing, Karuna Reiki, Meditation and yoga

Reiki Center in jaipur - Learn Reiki, Lama fera, Angels Therapy, Magnified Healing, Medicine Buddha, Dowsing, Yogmaya, Crystal Healing, Karuna Reiki, Meditation and yoga Contact at 09782445566 and 09214066199

Thursday 25 September 2014

Reiki Center in jaipur - Learn Reiki, Lama fera, Angels Therapy, Magnified Healing, Medicine Buddha, Dowsing, Yogmaya, Crystal Healing, Karuna Reiki, Meditation and yoga

Reiki Center in jaipur - Learn Reiki, Lama fera, Angels Therapy, Magnified Healing, Medicine Buddha, Dowsing, Yogmaya, Crystal Healing, Karuna Reiki, Meditation and yoga Contact : 09782445566

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Reiki Center in jaipur - Learn Reiki, Lama fera, Angels Therapy, Magnified Healing, Medicine Buddha, Dowsing, Yogmaya, Crystal Healing, Karuna Reiki, Meditation and yoga

Reiki Center in jaipur - Learn Reiki, Lama fera, Angels Therapy, Magnified Healing, Medicine Buddha, Dowsing, Yogmaya, Crystal Healing, Karuna Reiki, Meditation and yoga

Monday 19 May 2014

Reiki Center in jaipur - Learn Reiki, Lama fera, Angels Therapy, Magnified Healing, Medicine Buddha, Dowsing, Yogmaya, Crystal Healing, Karuna Reiki, Meditation and yoga

Reiki Center in jaipur - Learn Reiki, Lama fera, Angels Therapy, Magnified Healing, Medicine Buddha, Dowsing, Yogmaya, Crystal Healing, Karuna Reiki, Meditation and yoga 

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Friday 4 April 2014

Learn Angels Therapy Healing

leran Angels Therapy and Healing IN Jaipur.....

                      09782445566 , 09214066199

Learn Karuna Reiki In Jaipur

leran Karuna Reiki MASTER SHIP IN Jaipur.....

                      09782445566 , 09214066199

Learn Lama Fera In Jaipur

leran Lama Fera MASTER SHIP IN Jaipur.....

                      09782445566 , 09214066199

leran Magnified Healing IN Jaipur.....

                      09782445566 , 09214066199

Monday 10 March 2014

Learn Magnified Healing in Jaipur

An Ancient Healing Modality was introduced to Earth in 1983. Previously, this healing was used only in higher dimensions by Ascended Masters to assist themselves, the Masters on Earth and mankind under special divine dispensation. In 1992, under the direct intervention and inspiration of Lady Master Kwan Yin, Magnified Healing of the GODS MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE was brought forth into its expanded form for the spiritual advancement of humanity and the earth. 

Magnified Healing establishes a constant flow of energy from your heart to the Source, the GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE, through all of the Spiritual Centers, down to the Diamond at the Center of the Earth. The link spirals and brings a deep state of grace pulsing forth from the Source, laying the very foundation for the Ascension process. 

The learning and practice of this process incorporates all aspects of healing, using sacred geometries, breathing, and affirmations, allowing the student to participate and then teach the process without lengthy internships. The student will get an understanding of the Hierarchy, Three-Fold Flame, spiritual centers (chakras), Karma, Violet Fire and Ascension. 
The workshop includes:
Meditation for Empowerment
  • Acknowledgment of the Three Fold Flame and Higher Self
  • Alignment of Spiritual Centers
  • Clearing of the Light Channel
  • Co-creating the energy of Magnified Healing
  • Attunement of Level I
Healing Self and OthersMagnified, Magnified healing, Angel Therapy, Aroma Therapy, tarot Card, Ayurveda, Astrology, Numerology, Holistic Healing Runes
  • Connection of the Nervous System
  • Scan/ Heal the Body, Stimulate the Calcium on the Spine
  • Healing of Karma
  • Building of the Light Body
  • Preparation for Ascension
  • Absent Healing and Transplants
  • Healing of the Earth
Initiation as Master-Teacher of Magnified Healing

Learn Yog Maya and Shalvik Mantra Rehasya

The eternal light is the invisible potential energy; Maya is kinetic energy, the force of action of the lord. They are inseparable like fire and heat. Maya is the supernatural, extraordinary and mystic power of God, and the mother of Mother Nature. The word Maya also means unreal, illusory, or deceptive image of reality.

Due to the power of Maya one considers the universe existent and distinct from the Supreme Being and the drama of life goes on.

Yogmaya is a combination of all deities, guru’s energy or universal 9 planets and 5 elements energy. According to mythology Yogmaya is called “Devi”. It’s a very simple meditation process to heal past karmas, sorrows and diseases. It is a high frequency gaining process to gain success in spiritualism and astral science powers.
Shalvik Mantra Rehasya - A very powerful healing technique of over 4, 50,000 mantas translated by Maharishi Shalvik in the form of 450 symbols and visuals. These symbols can be learned by anyone and of any age group for getting freedom from diseases and sorrows. 

Workshop includes :
  • Introduction of Yogmaya
  • History
  • Thumb Impression Reading to detect Ailments
  • Cells Construction of Human being
  • 450 Symbols and their Use
  • How to find Numbers
  • Healing Chart and Technique
  • Power Meditation
  • Powerful Initiation.

Learn Yogmaya and Shalvik Mantra Rehasya in Jaipur

Thursday 13 February 2014

Leran Reiki in Jaipur from Reiki Grand Master Annant Sharma

leran Reiki Level 1, 2, 3, MASTER SHIP, GRAND MASTER SHIP IN Jaipur.....

                      09782445566 , 09214066199

Monday 20 January 2014

Lama fera teacher and master in jaipur

How to learn lama fera
Lama–Fera :-Trained by the originator of Lama-Fera. A highly effective Buddhist healing technique of Tibetan Lamas, specially used in eliminating spirits from human bodies and houses etc., though otherwise used for normal healing.
 i) Lama-Fera Master  Healer course :- Course duration–1 day.  with 1 Healer Attunement.
 ii) Lama-Fera MasterTeacher course :- Course duration-1 day. with 2 Teacher Attunements.
Lama Fera is taught in Two Levels:1) Master Healer Level
§  Introduction and History of Lama Fera
§  Study of Chakras
§  Explanation and Use of Healing Kit
§  Healing Method for self and others
§  6 powerful symbols & their use
§  Level I attunement
2) Master Teacher Level
§  6 more powerful symbols and their use
§  Lama Fera Attunement process for Level I, II and III
§  Attunement of Level II and Level III
Contact for lama fera +91-9782445566 Annant Sharma


A practitioner can sense the vibrations and feel change in his energy levels
§  Helps clear negative energy or problems in business, property, health etc.
§  Promotes chemical processing of body, muscles, bones, digestive disorders and give strength and radiant energy.
§  Balancing of physical and spiritual problems
§  Direct healing and effect on the root cause of diseases
§  Attainment and development of awareness, enlightenment and knowledge
§  Makes active, alert and self-confident

Thursday 16 January 2014

Leran Reiki in Jaipur from Reiki Grand Master Annant Sharma

leran Reiki Level 1, 2, 3, MASTER SHIP, GRAND MASTER SHIP IN Jaipur.....
                      09782445566 , 09214066199

Learn Angels Therapy and Healing in Jaipur

leran Angels Therapy and Healing IN Jaipur.....
                      09782445566 , 09214066199

leran Lama Fera in Jaipur

leran Lama - Fera MASTERSHIP IN Jaipur.....
                      09782445566 , 09214066199

Friday 3 January 2014

Lama Fera

Lama Fera is the world’s fastest Healing Technique used by Buddhist Monks in ancient times. ‘Lama’ means Sadguru, an Enlightened Guru of either Religion and ‘‘Fera’’ means the technique of Healing. The system can help increase spiritual abilities, improve the effectiveness of meditation, relieve pain and discomfort caused by chronic diseases, remove unwanted spirits, cleanse buildings, overcome fear, anxiety, stress and mental tensions, improve memory and visualisation, and assist reconnection with the Higher Self.
Sh. S. K. Saini, a researcher in Spiritual Healing and enlightenment techniques, developed Lama-Fera under Mahavajrayana between 1992 – 1995 at Nepal-Tibbet Border under the guidance of the Lamashri. ‘‘Mandosa’’ and ‘‘Avdheshji’’ through Mantra’s and Meditation by using Aghore Tantra
Lama Fera is the world’s fastest Healing Technique used by Buddhist Monks in ancient times. ‘Lama’ means Sadguru, an Enlightened Guru of either Religion and ‘‘Fera’’ means the technique of Healing. The system can help increase spiritual abilities, improve the effectiveness of meditation, relieve pain and discomfort caused by chronic diseases, remove unwanted spirits, cleanse buildings, overcome fear, anxiety, stress and mental tensions, improve memory and visualisation, and assist reconnection with the Higher Self.
§  A practitioner can sense the vibrations and feel change in his energy levels
§  Helps clear negative energy or problems in business, property, health etc.
§  Promotes chemical processing of body, muscles, bones, digestive disorders and give strength and radiant energy.
§  Balancing of physical and spiritual problems
§  Direct healing and effect on the root cause of diseases
§  Attainment and development of awareness, enlightenment and knowledge
§  Makes active, alert and self-confident
How to learn lama fera
Lama–Fera :-Trained by the originator of Lama-Fera. A highly effective Buddhist healing technique of Tibetan Lamas, specially used in eliminating spirits from human bodies and houses etc., though otherwise used for normal healing.
 i) Lama-Fera Master  Healer course :- Course duration–1 day.  with 1 Healer Attunement.
 ii) Lama-Fera MasterTeacher course :- Course duration-1 day. with 2 Teacher Attunements.
Lama Fera is taught in Two Levels:1) Master Healer Level
§  Introduction and History of Lama Fera
§  Study of Chakras
§  Explanation and Use of Healing Kit
§  Healing Method for self and others
§  6 powerful symbols & their use
§  Level I attunement
2) Master Teacher Level
§  6 more powerful symbols and their use
§  Lama Fera Attunement process for Level I, II and III
§  Attunement of Level II and Level III
Contact for lama fera +91-9782445566 Annant Sharma

History of Reiki

Mikao Usui, born in Japan in 1865, was the founder of Reiki. He studiedhard, married, had two children and was a lifelong spiritual seeker. Unlucky in material pursuits, he continued to study spirituality with great discipline, and was a lifelong student of Buddhism.
In later lifehe went to a mountain called Mount Kurayama for a twenty- one day retreat of fasting and meditation. While on the mountain, at that time, through meditation, he received the ability to perform subtle healing. He called it Reiki. Mikao Usui dedicated the rest of his life to spreading Reiki, and before his death in 1926, he passed his knowledge to Chujiro Hayashi who continued his work.
In 1936, Hawayo Takata, a Japanese descendant, came to Hayashi’s clinic for healing of a serious illness. Experiencing the gentle power of Reiki, she was completely healed and was initiated into Reiki. After receiving mastership in 1938 from Chujiro Hayashi, he designated her to carry on his work. Before her death in 1980, she introduced Reiki to Hawaii, the mainland of the United States, and initiated 22 Reiki Masters. Because of the efforts of these early practitioners, these healing vibrations called Reiki are now practiced all over the world.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

My workshops comprise of individual students or very small groups, so as to enable me to give maximum personal attention to every student. Here are the details of the courses offered: First Degree (Hands-on healing) Eligibility: Anybody aged 8 years or above. Second Degree (Distant Healing- includes three Usui symbols) Eligibility: At least 21 days after the First Degree. Advanced Reiki Training (A.R.T. or 3A - includes Usui Master symbol) Eligibility: At least 6 months after the Second Degree. Reiki Master/Teacher (Will be able to give First & Second Degree attunements) Eligibility: Candidates will be initiated on the basis of their aptitude and energy levels. Reiki Grandmaster (Will be able to initiate other Reiki Masters and Grandmasters) Eligibility: Candidates will be initiated on the basis of their aptitude and dedication.

What is Reiki? The system of Reiki healing is based on the idea of an invisible "life force energy" that flows through all of us -- the same force that is called 'prana' by the Hindus, 'chi' by the Chinese, 'mana' by the Kahunas and 'bioplasmic energy' by the Russian researchers. A lower-than-optimum level of this energy causes diseases and stress. Reiki works by restoring balance in the body's "life force". Made up of two Japanese Kanji -- 'Rei' and 'Ki', Reiki literally means 'spiritual life force'. Benefits of Reiki Reiki is a very effective and ancient energy healing technique that works by restoring balance and harmony at all levels of our body -- physical, emotional, mental & spiritual. Reiki not just cures diseases, but also improves our relationships and financial conditions. In today's hectic lifestyles, it is an extremely powerful tool for fighting mental & emotional stress. It is not only "curative" in nature, but also "preventive". Learning Reiki Reiki is not affiliated to any particular religion, nor does it require belief in the system to be effective. It is available to anyone who wishes to learn it. Reiki cannot be learnt by books or CDs or DVDs. Anybody interested in learning this art of healing must get "initiated" into the Reiki system (through a series of attunements) by a certified Reiki teacher.